Goal: Making Creative Experiences Inclusive and Accessible to everyone.
The Body Expressive Leuven builds a multilayered show in which complete (shy) beginners and advanced dancers of many styles and backgrounds create one performance, empowering each other, giving each other support and gaining more experience. The show creators are giving levels to moves and leave flexibility to different people in how much load they take on themselves (1 choreography to the full show). The help is provided to people with inflexible schedule (having kids, school or work duties or travels) and guidance on how to make it work with ease and fun.
The Frequencies will let us discover and portray the invisible part of the reality that we are built from and intersect with: waves and frequencies that bridge sound, color but also our emotions. As we function as one ecosystem with the surrounding world, there is so much that is connecting within us that we can not see.
The story of frequencies is our story of being alive in the world of senses, perceptions and the way we experience them. The dance group as “a one character” will go through different emotional/musical and colouristic states as the story develops, taking the audience for an emotional journey through choreographies.
The Dimension Show is a big project that would eventually merge different layers of reality (shows) we dived into during our Dance Visual journey of the Body Expressive Leuven. It would express 3 layers of reality: ALPHA (human, female experience), META (supernatural, spiritual experience of our higher self) and FREQUENCIES that give life and meaning “the physical matter” of our existence – sound, energy, emotions and portray them.

The show is built from around 12 choreographies of different lengths, types, styles, complexity level. They all are blended into one expression, story. A creative team of instructors is working in layers to have it accessible for students from different backgrounds. Everyone will find their space to feel comfortable, our special Body Expressive method of teaching assures that even people with no experience will feel great about their dancing.
QUARTERS: We learn “a small bunch” of choreographies divided per quarters (October-December, January-March, April-June, July-September) and later put it together.
SECTORS: We have two sectors of show – FULL SHOW (flow of choreographies) and MINI SHOW (single choreography for people who are too busy to follow everything). You can subscribe to FULL SHOW or MINI SHOW on yearly or quarterly bases and decide yourself how much you want to learn. You can join later quarters. You can skip rehearsals, if you study from provided materials.
DATES: Multiple performances will take place between September and November (date is to be confirmed). You do not have to attend them all.
DAYS: Each second MONDAY 21.00 – 22.00 and in summer it gets more intense. You can join rehearsals from home via ZOOM.
€85 students
THE FULL SHOW is around 25 minutes of 12 choreographies.
We prepare 1/4 of the show per quarter (3 routines). It means you can join the practice quarterly (Example: October-December) if you are not sure of your yearly commitment upfront.
You do not have to do all the choreographies.
(MINI SHOW is included in the FULL SHOW subscription.)
one price
THE MINI SHOW is for very busy people, who do not want to miss the creative experience but already know their schedule is very limited.
It is also a good first step for people who feel insecure about the stage or video and do not want too much stress.
A MINI SHOW is one choreography a quarter, that a MINI group works calmly on in a relaxed manner.
Yearly Full-Show practice
€274 Students
THE FULL YEARLY show is for people who want to commit and prioritize the practice.
The subscription includes all quarters from FULL SHOW and MINI SHOW on a discounted price.
You do not have to do all choreographies. You can choose the one you feel comfortable with.
Furthermore, you can also drop or add choreographies with time.
€215 students
THE MINI-YEARLY show is for people who want to commit and prioritize the practice, but not in an extensive manner. Mini choreographies are constructed in a way that allows you to join without following a full show run.
You can learn all the Mini choreographies or a few.
Contact Us
to explain
We are very inclusive, so we also create the possibility to learn choreography from a distance or variate it for people who wish to commit to matching their lifestyle. Contact us if you are puzzled, but you really want it.