Trial Summary

Looking from our experience we are satisfied with the results of the trial. They show interest in the offer and great potential to bring more people onboard.
Generally, initial subscriptions for the first week scale up dramatically over the following months with repeated communication and awareness-raising efforts within the company. The first-comers tend to be people with existing awareness and interest in the fitness area, but there is a big potential and importance to reach out and involve people who are more reserved initially.
The data presented are a good point of reference on behaviour within the company but are not accurate regarding the final scale of the activity.
Attendance Live Sessions
31 named visitors: Adriana Rodriguez | Ana Segovia | Balazs Kurucz | CDelaruelle | Chloe | Christian Butt | Constanza
Emartens | Hanne Gielis | Hazel | Ikumi Shigeta | Inez Deckers | Isabelle Rombaut | Joni | Kaatje Thijs | Kamala | Lien | Liesbeth K. | Marina | Nadjwa Zulkifli | Olivia en Devroye | Osemanova (Olie) | Paola Francavilla | Patricia Van Goidsenhoven | Rozanne | Sandrine Gustin | Shenu J. | Sofie Lauwers | Tanja eiger | Valerie Van Sannen | Veerle | Yessy Lim
* we did not track all classes attendance by name, names were extracted mostly from comments and therefore there is a good number of names unrecorded.
We have logged the number of participants in live sessions. Usually, the attendance for the second week is higher – as the word spreads around – we believe we see a drop in this case due to communication misunderstanding.
The classes that bring the average down is the step class (having a step is a huge plus, but it should be communicated you can also join the class without step) and the weekend morning class outside of a work-week. If we correct for this and add rewatches of recordings (that are unlimited and available from any time-zone) we have a solid 7 leaning to 10 average guests per class for the limited 1-week sample. From our experience, this number represents only a part of the existing interest and will naturally grow over the next few months. It also shows the potential to actively engage more people with tailored communication.
Week 1
4,5 average per class
Cardio + Stretch | Partyrobics Body Shape | Girl’s Time | Soft cardio | Figure Training | BodEx Full Body Workout | PopUp Step | BodEx Interval Workout | Soft Cardio | Figure + Stretch | Partyrobics Cardio Dance | Partyrobics Body Shape | Pilates | BodEx Full Body Workout |
6 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 6 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 9 | 1 |
Week 2
0,8 average per class
Cardio + Stretch | Partyrobics Body Shape | Girl’s Time | Soft cardio | Figure Training | BodEx Full Body Workout | PopUp Step | BodEx Interval Workout | Soft Cardio | Figure + Stretch | Partyrobics Cardio Dance | Partyrobics Body Shape | Pilates | BodEx Full Body Workout |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
Feedback - 29 responses
The feedback is a not mandatory and anonymous form we share with people at the end of the class.
It is important to take into account the over-representation of morning classes – evening classes end late and are often more energetic, leaving less time/energy to fill in the form.
The focus of our attention is mostly on the actual feedback given – which is all positive regarding all three aspects of the class we asked about.
Classes evaluated

Feedback results (scale 0 - 5)

Extra comments

Options breakdown
Based on the data collected, we are recommending the full schedule option for your organisation.
We observe the attendance was spread pretty evenly, there is no peeks for any specific classes, this shows people are equally open for a variety of options. The full schedule also allows the people from different time-zones to gain access to a full-week’s worth of classes via the recordings.
The price-breakdown per attendance presented we based on a few averages:
- 5 – the solid results we have now on live attendance, not counting the rewatches,
- 10 – a natural growth of live-attendance over a span of a couple of months (or live-attendance + rewatches)
- 20 – the achievable average per class over a few months with repeated communication

Pre-Trial feedback of 115 employees Overview in graphics

Classes they requested or remarks they made:
In the survey there was an open question to add extra options or remarks. Some options were asked several times:
Classes before 9h00 — 10 people
Lunch classes (11h30 – 14h00) — 6 people
Yoga — 7 people
Extra Pilates — 12 people
Friday and/or weekends: 2 people
- If feasible, timeslots before 9:00 or timeslots during lunchtime would be easier. PS: great initiative!!!
- During lunch time – between 11:30 and 14:00 (most people use this time to go running, as it is a perfect stress release in the middle of the day, a sport class would fit perfect here)
- Early in the morning – between 8:00 and 9:30 (9:30 is a little too late as most meetings are already starting)
- Would prefer to get recordings (to follow whenever wanted – no restriction to given schedule)
- It’s good that there is a mix of session and hour; people working at the office can also attend in the evening this way. 🙂 I already work-out but am definitely interested in pilates/ stretching exercises
- Malaysian time
- I’m currently pregnants (subscribed to Pilates) and it would be useful to get some guiding what I can and cannot do
- I love the initiative!
- Would it be possible to have a bit more options on Friday or in the weekend?
- Yoga/stretching during lunch time